Thursday, 11 June 2020

I'm Still Here

Hi Everyone, I'm still here.
Didn't post much over the Christmas period and New-year as I had a decline in my Mental Health, Meds are now helping...Mwahhahahahhahaha.

Well What had I been doing, well not much until lockdown that is, As I have mentioned previously I have a 3D printer. It has allowed me to expand armies in ways I could not imagine and print vehicles that are not available for my chosen scale 15mm.

Polish WW2 that was on the back burner suddenly became viable as files to print the soft skins appeared like magic on Thingiverse along with files for the different tanks. I started thinking I would get my Poles up to Flames of War Standard but no, I have decided to go with Battlegroup Kursk Rules. I had a few games before Christmas and I liked what I saw, and my Friend gave me back my books that I had lent to him a few years previous...LOL

SO what of Flames of War and my Armies. Well in the main the British Tunisia Army and my Germans will still exist but with a few additional troops and units for BGK. I was originally going to go down the TFL Chain of Command route but not many play it in my area and I liked the freedom that BGK gave. Don't get me wrong FOW is a good system but it was geared for tournaments and fast play, so it is now moved in to my Fast play section.  BGK gives you more flexibility in the troops you select and how you use them. The Order system is a laugh and when you don't get the orders can hinder you but I do not find that distracting from the game and is a challenge. The down side are some of the rules especially for artillery is complicated, but the more games you play the better and easier the rules become. I seem to pick complicated lists and scenarios.

Flames of War Armies are now: British which is able to do EW through to Late War, as I purchased a Sherman Squadron and a Churchill Squadron off Evilbay at good prices. My Germans again can do and have always been able to do Early war right through to late war. I have decided mainly to concentrate on 1939 to 1943. With Two exceptions,

Polish: No longer will be FOW but BGK, so infantry will be rebased and spare artillery sold off
British: Early War, Tunisia, Italy, and Caen, I may go to a Bridge too far, so really All war.
Germans: Every where they went although they are not really set up for Desert combat but I have enough assets to do so.
I also want to do 21st Panzer as I love the modified French vehicles, again this will be mainly 3d Printed around November time for use only with BGK.
Russians: I have through an accidental Evilbay purchase as a side bonus acquired a Rifle Company, This is for use with BGK only and will only be up to 1943 Kursk. I have almost completed the 1941 list, and will work on the Kursk lists around September. There are no plans to use this with FOW.
Americans: Originally these were for Tunisia but they will be repurposed as to do Ardennes. As I have just ordered the BGK Ardennes supplement. I used to have under Command Decision in 1/300th scale both Germans and Americans organised for the Battle of the Bulge Campaign. I had these forces from when I was 16 until around 25 years later I had to sell them due to lack of income as I was on a low wage. It was a sad moment for me.
French: I have a substantial French EW Army for FOW and I will keep it that way but also add extra figures and vehicles to use under BGK. The Infantry will also double up as Belgium's.
Belgium: A BGK Blitzkrieg army, using my French Infantry with some additional printed vehicles.

So I've been busy with painting and basing armies. And I got two lockdown games in of  BGK using the Internet. The first scenario was Orliks Cockroaches from the BG Blitzkrieg book and the second longer game over 8 hours was the battle of Hondeghem, which has featured previously on my blog.
This time the game was more entertaining and defently gave a good feel to the battle. And is under development as a BGK scenario.

Well that's all for now I will bring you the picture of the armies later.
Cio Jon